Once again you have provided a very thorough and well thought out perspective of the health industry.
I think the thing that is hindering these companies from a successful entry into the healthcare and MSK markets is that they look at healthcare from the revenue down. If you think about it, this is counter intuitive. Profit in retail and industry is driven through volume, yet with healthcare the greater the volume the greater the costs.
I love your thought that MSk is or could be the hub of the solution, but I believe it needs to be driven by those that provide it rather than by those that pay for it and profit from it. Although there were some very good reasons for structuring medicine the way it is, the days of purposely keeping doctors from being “good business people” have long passed.
The reason I believe that the answer lies with the physician is that they were trained to and look at healthcare from the patient up. With physicians as the center the profitability lies with those that are responsible for the care. And although this has some problems as well, they are much easier managed than the current system.
I believe the problems in healthcare is not the amount we spend for it but where we spend. Since the introduction of the HMO and the subsequent ACA, administration in healthcare has risen >3800% while the increase in physicians is <150%. yet somehow we are trying to fix the cost of healthcare by cutting the physicians pay?
Digital platforms are too focused on profitability without providing solutions to the root problem, which is the health of the patient.
Once again you have provided a very thorough and well thought out perspective of the health industry.
I think the thing that is hindering these companies from a successful entry into the healthcare and MSK markets is that they look at healthcare from the revenue down. If you think about it, this is counter intuitive. Profit in retail and industry is driven through volume, yet with healthcare the greater the volume the greater the costs.
I love your thought that MSk is or could be the hub of the solution, but I believe it needs to be driven by those that provide it rather than by those that pay for it and profit from it. Although there were some very good reasons for structuring medicine the way it is, the days of purposely keeping doctors from being “good business people” have long passed.
The reason I believe that the answer lies with the physician is that they were trained to and look at healthcare from the patient up. With physicians as the center the profitability lies with those that are responsible for the care. And although this has some problems as well, they are much easier managed than the current system.
I believe the problems in healthcare is not the amount we spend for it but where we spend. Since the introduction of the HMO and the subsequent ACA, administration in healthcare has risen >3800% while the increase in physicians is <150%. yet somehow we are trying to fix the cost of healthcare by cutting the physicians pay?
Digital platforms are too focused on profitability without providing solutions to the root problem, which is the health of the patient.